


As a Public Service and Outreach unit of the University of Georgia we enjoy finding ways to share our research and build connections between various workforce stakeholders across the state. Many times we do this through participating in or hosting events, conferences, webinars and more! On this page you will find links to previous some of our events as well as a list of upcoming events and how to register for them. We appreciate your interest in our events and look forward to connecting with you at an event soon!

Upcoming events

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming events. Please be aware that the events we host are a mix of webinars, virtual meetings, and in person meetings/conferences so pay attention to the format of a given event. If there are no events listed here, please check back soon because we are always working to create new opportunities to share our work, connect with partners, and spread the word about workforce development in Georgia.

Questions or requests about these events can be directed to workforce@cviog.uga.edu.

Georgia's Workforce Conference - Save the Date!

November 12-13, 2024
Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel

Previous events 

Thank you for your interest in our previous events. These pages contain recordings and documents (where available) of our events and webinars from the past several years.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about one of these events, please feel free to email us at workforce@cviog.uga.edu.  

Previous events include: