
Danny Bivins

Danny Bivins

Danny Bivins

Senior Public Service Associate; Strategic Operations and Planning Assistance



Danny Bivins joined the Institute of Government in 2012. He has extensive experience in downtown development, planning and design. Danny specializes in working with local governments utilizing an asset-based, community development approach. Danny co-developed and manages the Georgia Downtown Renaissance Partnership, an initiative with multiple key partners: the University of Georgia, the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA), the Georgia Cities Foundation (GCF) and the Lyndhurst Foundation. His efforts through the Georgia Downtown Renaissance Partnership have led to the successful implementation of sustainable community redevelopment initiatives.

His previous experience includes 8 years with UGA’s J. W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development. He co-developed the Cities and Downtown: Building Blocks to Recovery Initiative, a partnership between UGA, GMA, GCF and Georgia Cities. Prior to joining the Fanning Institute, Danny served as the program coordinator for the Georgia Historic Resource Survey Program, "Find It." There, he helped initiate a joint venture between the University of Georgia, the Georgia Transmission Corporation, and the State of Georgia’s Historic Preservation Division to document Georgia’s historic resources.


M.H.P. (Historic Preservation), University of Georgia

Additional Info:

Areas of Expertise: downtown development, planning, design, historic preservation, and regionalism