UGA Institute of Government

Data and Technology

State and local governments can make more informed decisions and achieve greater efficiency in their operations with the help of our services in data analytics and visualization, information technology and cybersecurity. 

panel speaking at the Data Analytics and Visualization Conference

Georgia Data Innovation Hub

The Georgia Data Innovation Hub's mission is to convene, train and provide technical assistance to raise the capabilities of government employees doing data analytics, data visualization and predictive analytics.

The Data Hub offers course instruction and peer learning opportunities through quarterly webinars, certification programs and an annual conference. These trainings are designed for a variety of government employees, from data scientists to communicators to decision-makers.

Georgia Data Innovation Hub

picture of group around table

UGA CyberArch

UGA is addressing the challenges of cybersecurity for Georgia’s communities and businesses. UGA CyberArch, facilitated by the Institute of Government, helps build a broader awareness about cybersecurity threats and strengthens cyber preparation and response actions of city and county governments, K-12 school systems and rural hospitals. 

UGA CyberArch

picture of Eric McRae looking at his computer screen


The Georgia Broadband Program turned to the Institute of Government to create a map showing precisely which Georgia homes and businesses are served and not served by high-speed internet service.


graphs and lines

Data Analytics and Visualization Services

State agencies, universities, school systems, local governments, development authorities and other government organizations come to the Institute of Government for specialized data analytics and visualization services to improve their decision-making processes. We help turn administrative data into insights and information to improve decision-making and quality control. 

Data Analytics and Visualization Services



map of Georgia on a computer screen

Geographic Information Systems

Turn to us for digital map production, local government GIS services and more. With our experience in the latest cartographic and data management techniques, we are Georgia's leader in GIS technology. 

Custom Application Development

We design and develop custom solutions to help organizations meet goals for web enabled software. We offer responsive website development, data-informed business applications and interactive web-mapping GIS applications.