More than 600 commissioners, clerks and other county government officials from across the state attended professional development classes the Institute of Government presented at the ACCG Annual Conference held April 27-30 in Savannah. More than 30 county leaders also were recognized for their training through the Lifelong Learning Academy, a continuing education curriculum the institute developed in partnership with ACCG. Twenty-eight officials received certification for successfully completing 66 hours of core courses in the academy and five officials received specialty track certifications.

Photos courtesy ACCG. Carl Vinson Institute of Government faculty member Jennifer Nelson taught classes at the ACCG Georgia Counties Annual Conference in Savannah. The conference brings together commissioners from across Georgia as they learn how to address complex community issues.

Photos courtesy ACCG. Carl Vinson Institute of Government faculty member Jennifer Nelson taught classes at the ACCG Georgia Counties Annual Conference in Savannah. The conference brings together commissioners from across Georgia as they learn how to address complex community issues.