Classification and Compensation Studies

The UGA Institute of Government conducts classification and compensation studies to review internal equity (pay relationships between positions) and assure external competitiveness (pay relationships with labor market competitors) so organizations can successfully recruit future employees and retain existing staff. Classification and compensation studies help the public sector with employee morale, retention, pay satisfaction and labor costs.

Our classification and compensation studies help organizations: 

  • Receive fewer requests for reclassifications (i.e., change in position titles).

  • Reduce pay inequities and morale issues.

  • Pursue human resource management goals.

  • Establish minimum position qualifications for recruitment and selection purposes.

  • Address pay compression issues and recommend changes. 

  • Refine lines of authority and areas of responsibility.

  • Establish a basis to evaluate work performance.

The development of a new classification plan generally includes orientation sessions, detailed position description questionnaires, employee and management meetings, wage and salary surveys, and presentation of recommendations to administrators and elected officials.

Study deliverables typically include new job descriptions, position evaluation tools, and a market-competitive wage and salary structure. Classification and compensation plans can be implemented in one fiscal year or alternative implementation strategies can be discussed.

Questions? Contact Us.

Sam Trager