Georgia City-County Management Association

We coordinate and provide educational classes for the Georgia City-County Management Association (GCCMA) that are aligned with the 14 core competencies for ICMA credentialed managers.

GCCMA is the recognized affiliate organization of ICMA and is the professional association of appointed administrators servicing cities, counties, regional councils and other local government in Georgia. Their membership includes city and county managers and administrators, directors of regional development centers and their principal assistants in addition to representatives of the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG), and the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA).

GCCMA sponsors two educational conferences for members each year.

  • The three-day fall conference is held at a Georgia location selected by the Board. Programs emphasize personal and professional development topics of special interest to Georgia managers. A relaxed environment and thoughtful scheduling make the fall conference a useful opportunity to retreat from regular business activity and focus on professional development and learning.

  • The spring conference is held annually in Athens to provide networking opportunities between conference participants, university faculty and students from graduate programs in public administration from around the state. The program features nationally prominent trainers and speakers along with regional leaders in local government management. The conference is regularly attended by a staff representative of ICMA.

GCCMA also sponsors occasional training programs on special subject matters as part of its commitment to continuing professional development. These include a New Manager Bootcamp offered before the fall conference and selected topics throughout the year.

View more information on upcoming conferences.

Questions? Contact Us.

Breanna Matheson
Program Coordinator

Hardin Watkins