A sustainable and trained workforce is critical to the success of businesses and communities. School systems play a key role in shaping the future workforce to fulfill talent needs in their communities and regions. High school experiential learning programs effectively build talent pathways in communities, preparing students for career success through hands-on experiences. The Creating and Replicating High-quality Experiential Learning Opportunities guide is designed to help both school and business leaders conceptualize, develop and implement such experiences. The guide includes 19 case studies that teachers, administrators and local governments may find relevant to their communities.

The guide was made possible with support from Georgia Power.

Experiential Learning



The Experiential Learning Decision Tree

Prepare students for career success by learning through experience and relating it to classroom components.




Decision Tree


Keys to Success

Keys to Success Keys to Success






Case Studies

Case StudiesNineteen case studies from across Georgia and the United States demonstrate high-quality experiential learning opportunities for high school students. The matrix details the case studies, where they fall on the experiential learning continuum, the secret to their success, and why the approach matters.

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