Tools and Resources
Workforce and Economic Development Tools and Resources
The Georgia Workforce and Economic Resilience Center has created many resources, including reports, case studies, videos, and more on workforce and economic development. Topics include experiential learning for high school students and teacher externships, community workforce planning and alignment, economic development resources and more.
Guide for Georgia Businesses
The Institute of Government and Georgia Power partnered to develop this resource for Georgia businesses. This guide contains five key engagement strategies, each with step-by-step instructions and a case study of successful company or community implementation. The strategies range in complexity and impact, and companies of all sizes are sure to find useful information.View Guide for Georgia Businesses
Georgia Workforce Planning Guide
This document lays out a step-by-step process and worksheets that communities can use in local or regional workforce planning efforts. The Workforce Planning Guide was developed through a partnership between the Institute of Government and Georgia Power.Georgia Workforce Planning Guide
Georgia Alignment Toolkit
This resource was developed to assist school districts as they navigate the process of aligning their pathways and school programming to needs of local and regional employers.Georgia Alignment Toolkit
Economic Development Handbook for Georgia's Rural Communities
The Economic Development Handbook for Georgia’s Rural Communities is both a desk reference and a training resource. Its chapters include checklists and task lists to help organize information and conduct basic economic development activities. In addition to providing vital information for economic developers on essential basic topics, this handbook focuses on economic development in the state of Georgia, including laws, partners, programs and resources.Purchase the digital edition
Additional Resources

Experiential Learning
View the decision tree document, high school experiential learning document, keys to success graphic, and case studies.
Additional Workforce Resources
View 2024 Georgia Workforce Pipeline Snapshot
Take a deeper look at data from our Workforce Pipeline Snapshot
View Labor Market Information Guide
View the Teacher Externship video
View the CTAE Economic Development video