Financial Training Videos

This page provides a collection of training videos in the following areas:

Library Financial Management Certification Program

The following videos offer quick course previews of our online library financial management certification program. For more information on the full courses, please click here.

Budgeting course previewBudgeting

This video highlights the importance of program budgeting.

Governmental Accounting course previewGovernmental Accounting

This video discusses the critical role funds play in the financial reporting of library resources.

Internal Control course previewInternal Control

This video examines the components of internal control.

Payroll Administration course previewPayroll Administration

This video reviews the differences between independent contractors and employees.

Purchasing course previewPurchasing

This video explores the components of a good purchasing policy.

Financial Policies course previewWriting Financial Policies

This video considers financial policies, the framework for good decision making.

Balancing the Books free webinarBalancing the Books - Strategies for Sound Financial Practices free webinar

This hour-long video includes all of the six previews highlighted above.


Local Government Certification Program

The following webinar recordings offer hour-long previews of our online local government certification courses. For more information on the full courses, please click here.

Fundamentals of PurchasingFundamentals of Purchasing Webinar

This webinar focuses on public sector purchasing and outlines the basic steps in a sound purchasing process.

Fundamentals of Capital Improvement Fundamentals of Capital Improvement Webinar

This webinar focuses on the basics of preparing and implementing a local government capital improvement program.

Fundamentals of Internal ControlFundamentals of Internal Control Webinar

This webinar focuses on the five components of internal control and the 17 associated principles.  You will learn about the five components of internal control and principles that further define the internal control components.

Fundamentals of Treasury Management WebinarFundamentals of Treasury Management

This webinar focuses on the basics of treasury management including the importance of a strong investment policy, effective internal controls and collection methods and strategies.

Fundamentals of Treasury ManagementFundamentals of Debt Administration

This webinar focuses on the basics of debt administration including the reasons governments issue debt, available debt instruments, and debt sale methods.

Fundamentals of Revenue Administration WebinarFundamentals of Revenue Administration

This webinar focuses on the basics of revenue administration including the basic considerations when deciding how to pay for services, developing and adopting a revenue policy, and the importance of collections.


State Financial Management Certification Program

State of Georgia Chart of AccountsState of Georgia Chart of Accounts

This 22 minute video will discuss each chartfield in the State of Georgia Chart of Accounts. This tutorial explores the design of Georgia’s Uniform Chart of Accounts.  At the end of the tutorial, you should be able to define the purpose of a chart of accounts, recall the state’s chartfields and their purposes

How to Create Excel PivotTablesHow to Create Microsoft Excel PivotTables (16:05)

This tutorial will show users how to create pivot tables using Microsoft Excel. The training example uses the results of a 0BD010 TeamWorks query from the State of Georgia's financial system.

Understanding TeamWorks Commitment Control

This 4-part tutorial explores the TeamWorks Commitment Control module, explaining trees, ledger groups and ledgers. At the end of the tutorial, you should be able to recall how trees and ledgers work together to monitor and control budgets in TeamWorks Commitment Control.

TeamWorks Commitment Control Overview and ChartfieldsSection 1 - Commitment Control Overview and Chartfields (09:14)

This section provides an overview of Commitment Control and chartfields. At the end of the section, you should be able to recall various chartfields in TeamWorks and how they are used.

TreesSection 2 – Trees (15:58)

This section focuses on Trees used in Commitment Control. At the end of the section, you should be able to recall the differences between agency and statewide trees, recall the various trees used in TeamWorks and describe the hierarchy in TeamWorks trees.

Ledger Groups and LedgersSection 3 - Ledger Groups and Ledgers (10:21)

This section focuses on ledger groups and ledgers used in Commitment Control. At the end of the section, you should be able to recall the various budget ledger groups in TeamWorks Commitment Control, recall the budget ledgers used within each ledger group and recall the various levels of control.

Translating Data Entry Values to Budget LedgersSection 4 - Translating Data Entry Values to Budget Ledgers (14:29)

This section focuses on translating data entry values to budget ledgers. At the end of the section, you should be able to convert values using the translation map to the appropriate budget ledger values in TeamWorks Commitment Control.


Additional Financial Tutorials

Setting the Millage Rate tutorial

Setting the Millage Rate Tutorial

This six minute tutorial explains how the millage rate is calculated.

Georgia's Hotel-Motel Tax

Georgia's Hotel-Motel Tax

This video is designed to provide a broad understanding of the fundamentals of local government hotel motel tax. The content is prepared by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.


Questions? Contact Us.

Dave Lakly